Artistic expression, long banished from the church, is showing new signs of life. It is time for the church to awaken her artistic vision. Here is a place to start.
"Flannery O’Connor said, ’To the hard of hearing you shout and for the almost blind you draw large and startling figures.’ That’s what I’m doing." said Artist, Edward Knippers, "Do you hear a loud crashing sound?"
We are about to say art and worship in the same sentence, a jarring concept to many in worship leadership. On the other hand, to many Christian artists struggling to find their vocation embraced in the life of the church, it is a sound of hope.

Many of us who lead worship teams on a weekly basis wish we could be in two places at once. Oh, to be like Michael Keaton’s character in the film Multiplicity. Imagine... three personal clones, deftly negotiating the Christmas and Easter seasons. What bliss! There’s just one problem. Hollywood special effects labs aren’t within most churches’ budgets. Oh, well. We can still learn to set clear priorities and make the most of being only one person in a multi-faceted job.

Using solo instruments to lead worship is not a new concept. In the early 18th century, Johann Sebastian Bach led worship at Weimar from the pipe organ. During the early part of the 20th century, Charles M. Alexander broke new ground in evangelical music with the inclusion of the improvisational piano styles of Robert Harkness and Henry Barraclough during his evangelistic meetings. At the same time, Alexander was sanctifying the piano for use in church, Billy Sunday’s soloist/song leader, Homer Rodeheaver, was becoming famous playing his trombone during congregational singing.1 In his early years with Billy Graham, Cliff Barrows followed Rodeheaver’s model on the trombone. In spite of these models, even worship leaders with strong instrumental skills tend to neglect the solo instrument as a worship leading tool.

Teil 5 einer 8-teiligen Audio-Seminarreihe unter dem Titel "Discover the Worship World"

Tonart, Tempo, Arrangement
Wiederholungen, Intros und Überleitungen gestalten
Rückfragen zu Teil 1-5

Teil 4 einer 8-teiligen Audio-Seminarreihe unter dem Titel "Discover the Worship World"

Die Rolle der Musik in der Anbetung
Wesen und Aufbau eines Songs
Rhytmische Grundlagen

© G. Baltes / T. Schröder

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