In my last article, I looked at intimacy; my highest value in worship. Intimacy at it's simplest means we sing to God. We do that because the cry of our hearts has always been- 'When can I go and meet with God?' When can we linger in His presence and just be with Him?' This time I would like to take a brief look at the second main value I hold dear as a worship leader.

Let me confess something. A couple of years ago I would not have written what I am about to write. And I would not have believed it if God didn't give me the precious gift of my wife to walk and learn with.

In the past few years, our societies have made huge strides to make public places more accessible to those with special needs. People with wheelchairs, hearing difficulties etc. can enjoy a lot more events and places than ever before. I think that is great. Sometimes as a worship leader I need to ask some of the same questions that brought about change for access in the places we live. Is our worship accessible for all, is it accessible for those who are not primarily artistic or mystical?

Autor: Brian Doerksen


Update: 17.11.2006

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