Christianity is God-centred, and God is the Trinity. So it follows that Christianity must be Trinity-centred. The same must be said about our worship and prayer. Robin Parry starts to untangle the knots.
Worship is God-centred, and because God is the Trinity, our prayer and worship should be Trinity-centred. Worship is the face-to-face encounter of the Church with God—with Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
So central is the Trinity that every other Christian belief connects to it. The Trinity is the hub of the wheel called Christianity, in which all its spokes connect. Every aspect of Christian belief has the Trinity at the centre: the creation of the world and everything in it; humanity in the image of (the triune) God; the providence of God; God’s redemption of the world through Christ (incarnation, ministry, cross, resurrection, ascension); the future of the world; the mission of the Church; prayer; worship; the Kingdom of God. (...)
Autor: Robin Parry
Jahr: 2000
Update: 18.10.2010
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