Spiritual formation is about allowing Christ to develop our whole person, our interior and exterior life, as he shapes us into his likeness through the unique stories of our lifetime. It is our approach to spiritual formation that determines how we will age as disciples, expanding in spiritual richness or shrinking in spiritual stagnation.

We will look at four unique elements in the spiritual life, using creational imagery in the best traditions of ancient Celtic Christian spirituality. Each element is intended to be a lens through which we can evaluate our overall spiritual progress toward the likeness of Christ-and a robust devotional future.

Autor: Dan Wilt

Jahr: 2011

Update: 03.03.2011

weitere Infos: http://www.danwilt.com/the-elemental-life-living-grounded-inspired-empowered-and-communal-lives/

© G. Baltes / T. Schröder

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