All around us media providers are scrambling to make their products interactive. You don’t just watch the News-you email your opinions and photos. You don’t just listen to the radio-you text what you are up to, and what you thought of that song. You don’t just view TV talent shows-you decide the outcome by phone vote or, even better, you audition to be the star! In music, bands like Radiohead have provided the individual ‘stems’ for some of their tracks and invited fans to remix their own versions, and then post them back on the band’s website (and then, inevitably, people can vote for their favorite).

All this is chasing to catch up with what people call Web 2.0-Internet sites like Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia, and Twitter-where you provide the content, sharing your films, thoughts, music tracks, photos, writings etc. People can comment, collaborate and respond with their own versions. No longer do people go online to merely consume information - they want to share as part of a like-minded community.

Autor: Sam Hargreaves

Jahr: 2010

Update: 03.03.2011

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© G. Baltes / T. Schröder

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