Welcome to the first interview from The Clinic, a new series that aims to take a clear, honest look at the way things are these days. First up, Matt Redman.

Kingsway: In these days of global communication, when community no longer depends on physical location, do worship leaders still need to be connected to a local church?

Matt Redman: I guess there are different levels of doing so, but at the end of the day part of being 'church' is learning to share our lives. So you could probably do that on email or the internet to a degree. But I don't think it could really replace the level of community and life-sharing that happens when you eat together, pray together, sing together, and support one another in day-to-day life The 'local' is so important. As a worship leader, I probably meet a few too many musicians these days who deep down see the local church as a stepping stone to something else. Some seem to be hoping that their local church situation might propel them to something they feel is bigger or more worthwhile, and don't realise what an important, beautiful and powerful thing local church is. (...)

Autor: Matt Redmann

Jahr: 2000

Update: 18.10.2010

weitere Infos: https://www.weareworship.com/

© G. Baltes / T. Schröder

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