Let’s get right down to it. Nearly 30 million Americans have some degree of hearing loss. And according to the American Academy of Audiology, about 17 million suffer from “nerve deafness” – a hearing loss that results from exposure to loud noise or music.

Around 15% of baby boomers, the first generation to crank up the volume, have this type of hearing loss – about the same percentage as their teenage children.

Just 15 minutes of exposure to high-decibel noise or music can cause permanent hearing loss. That’s right. Permanent. Research indicates that 30% of rock musicians have a measurable hearing loss. Classical musicians fare even worse - with up to 52% experiencing hearing impairment. That means that members of your praise band, your harpist, your worshippers and your sound crew are all at risk. The good news? Hearing loss can be prevented.

Autor: Shure Audio

Jahr: 2000

Update: 17.11.2000

weitere Infos: http://dc370.4shared.com/doc/23ijG70W/preview.html

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