"Warum überhaupt noch über Anbetung reden? Ist es nicht eine der vielen Selbstverständlichkeiten für einen Christen, die man praktiziert ohne groß nachzudenken? Die Erfahrungen, die ich mit Anbetung gemacht habe und alles, was ich in der Bibel dazu entdeckt habe, haben mir bewusst gemacht, dass Anbetung ein ganz wesentlicher Bestandteil ist, wenn es darum geht, in der Beziehung mit Gott zu wachsen, ihm näher zu kommen, ihn besser kennenzulernen, ihm ähnlicher zu werden..."

In my last article, I looked at intimacy; my highest value in worship. Intimacy at it's simplest means we sing to God. We do that because the cry of our hearts has always been- 'When can I go and meet with God?' When can we linger in His presence and just be with Him?' This time I would like to take a brief look at the second main value I hold dear as a worship leader.

"Ladies and gentlemen, The Beatles!" shouts Ed Sullivan. Immediately the audience of mostly teenage girls begin to spontaneously combust into deafening applause, lifting of hands, jumping up and down, some even fainting or screaming to the point of ecstatic tears.

Whether you saw it for the first time on The Ed Sullivan Show back in 1964 or you have seen the replays of that event over the years, there is one thing that can't be overstated. Those fans had a passion and a "love" for The Beatles.

God is always speaking to us. The question is, "How clear is our connection?"

"You've got mail." Many of us hear those words each day as we log on to the Internet to check our email. The phrase was also popularized by a movie of the same title a few years ago. Remember when the only option to connecting to the World Wide Web was through a phone modem with a tortoise like connection speed of 28k? Then we expanded to 56k. Then to cable, broadband, and DSL—suddenly we could download volumes of information in seconds with the simple click of a mouse.

© G. Baltes / T. Schröder

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